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Alabama is the 22nd state on December 14, 1819

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In 1819.

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Q: When did Alabama become part of the US?
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When year did Alabama become part of the US?

It became the 22nd US State on 14 December 1819.

When did Alabama become a us state?

december 14th 1819

What year did they become a part of the US?

and what year they i become a part of the us

Did Alabama take part in the Revolutionary War?

No. Alabama did not exist during the Revolutionary War. Most of the land which later became Alabama was owned by Spain at that time and considered to be the western part of Florida. Although the Spanish sided with the Americans in this war, I am unaware of any Spanish participation involving this territory which would become the US state of Alabama in later years.

If you lived and work in Alabama do you pay federal income tax?

Gee, is Alabama part of the US? Of course.

What US State forms part of the southern border of Alabama?


What part if the US is Alabama located in?

Alabama is located in the Southeastern US. It is part of the lower "South" comprising of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. The fours states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida comprise the "Gulf Coast" states along with Texas.

When did Vermont become part the US?

it became part of the us in 1832

What part of the US has the most electoral votes?

the southern part of course. Especially Georgia and even Alabama and Mississippi

What was the 44th state to become part of the US?

Wyoming is the 44th state to become part of the Union.

Is Alabama a protectorate of the US?

No. Alabama is a US state, not a US protectorate.

Did Alabama become a state before or after Arkansas?
