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Slave families were split up

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Q: When the international slave trade ended and how did the slave trade continue?
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When the international slave trade ended how did the slave trade continue?

Slave families were split up

How did the slave trade continue when the international slave trade ended?

Slave families were split up

When the international slave trade ended how did the trade continue?

Slave families were split up

When the international slave trade ended haw did the slave trade continue?

Slave families were spilt up

When the international slave trade ended how did the slaves trade continue?

Slave families were split up ~APEX~

Why was one reason for the growth of the domestic slave trade?

The international slave trade ended /apex

When the international slave traded ended how did the slave trade continued?

Slave families were split up

Why did the delegates agree to allow the international slave trade continue for another 20 years?

bc the southern states' economies needed the slave trade, and many southern delegates said they'd leave the Union if the constitution immediately ended the trade. =D

Why did the delegates agree to allow the international slave trade to continue for another 20 years?

bc the southern states' economies needed the slave trade, and many southern delegates said they'd leave the Union if the constitution immediately ended the trade. =D

Why did the slave trade grow so rapidly in the colonies?

The international slave trade ended APEX

Who ended the slave trade?

we did

How did the end of the international slave trade affect the institution of slave trade?

Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.