If you are asking about World War 2, the surrender document was signed on 8 May 1945
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the one event that pushed Europe over the edge and brought about World War I.
Prior to the outbreak of war, the nations of Europe fought political wars over territories abroad.
World War caused Europe to divide. By Omar Adam
what is going on in world war II in Europe?
Many of the conflicts that were represented in World War I were over land in different parts of the world. In fact, the immediate cause of the war, the archduke's assassination, was over the Bosnian territory in Europe.
in world war 2
they had one by one took over the countries when they had reached the border they had tooken over europe.
German supremacy over Europe.
All over Europe.
Because Germany had taken over so much of Europe.
The threat of another war kept the US from stopping Stalin's efforts to take over eastern Europe.
To take over all of Europe
Saying from ww2 era. When Americans went over the atlatic to war in Europe. "over there summed it all up"
D-day happened! They went to that beach over there in europe and destroyed all
After World War II, large areas of Europe were in ruins. This is because there was fighting all over, as well as bombing. Towns and cities were raided and destroyed.
the war ended in Europe because Russia took over bulin around or on d-day wich came at 2:00AM on June 6, 1944.
WWI was fought all over Europe. It spanned from western Europe, including France, Germany, and Italy, to the Balkans (the powder keg of Europe) and into Eastern Europe.