Well there is an exhibit at the st. Louis science center of the worlds' tallest man ever in St. Louis, MO also they have his baby shoes and the pair of shoes he wore before he died. But I don't recall his name or anything if that is what you were needing. You probably could look it up on the net. or go to your local library.
about 300,000,000,000-400,000,000,000 pyramids in the whole world
The tallest building in the world, was built in 2004. It is the empire state building.
Built pyramids.
no, Napal has the tallest mountain which is mount Everest. it is the worlds tallest mountain and immpossible to climb to the top without dying. canda does not have the worlds tallest mountain.
burj Dubai is the tallest skyscraper in the world
it is emu
No: i think mount Everest is
Lincoln Cathedral
IN 2004
a giraffe
no, its in saudi...
Kingda Ka