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Thales of Miletus

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Q: Which Greek scientist theorized that the earth was a disk floating on water?
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Which Greek scientist concluded the earth was around?

The Greek scientist who concluded that the Earth was round was Pythagoras, around the 6th century BC. His observations of the shape of the Earth influenced later scholars like Aristotle and Eratosthenes.

Which greek scientist concluded that Earth was round?

The Greek scientist who concluded that Earth was round was Pythagoras, around the 6th century BC. He based his conclusion on observations of the stars and their positions in the sky.

Which greek scientist said te earth is round?

The Greek scientist who is credited with demonstrating that the Earth is round was Pythagoras. He believed that the Earth was a sphere based on observations of the shapes of celestial bodies like the moon during lunar eclipses.

Who was the greek scientist who believed the earth was the center of the universe?

Aristotle and Ptolemy - pick one.

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No one lifted the earth, but Archimedes (a great scientist and mathematician) claimed that he could do it.

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Milutin Milanković, a Serbian mathematician, astronomer, geophysicist, climatologist, civil engineer, doctor of technology, university professor, and writer.

Is pterophyte theorized to be the first to inhabit earth?

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A geologist is a scientist that studies the Earth.