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Resisting Napoleon's armies prompted many to resist the return of traditional monarchies.

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Q: Which best explains the role of nationalism in Europe following the Congress of Vienna?
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Which best explain the role of nationalism in Europe following the Congress's of Vienna?

Resisting Napoleon's armies prompted many to resist the return of traditional monarchies.

How did the Congress of Vienna try to restore the balance of the power of Europe?


How did the Congress of Vienna and the Concert of Europe suppress nationalism?

By ensuring that there was a Balance Of Power

Did the congress of Vienna increase or decrease nationalism in Europe?

The Congress of Vienna settlement, despite later changes, formed the framework for European international politics until the outbreak of the First World War in 1914

What did the statesmen who attended the congress of Vienna fail to foresee?

They failed to see how powerful new forces such as nationalism would shake the foundations of Europe.

Between 1815 and 1848 the Congress of Vienna and the Concert of Europe suppressed nationalism by?

Ensuring a balance of power between nationensuring a balance of power between nations

List two pieces of evidence that show American Nationalism?

Brought American Pride Against their Rivals (europe) and they had lots of national symbols

Can you explain nationalism in Europe and India?


Discuss how nationalism spread across Europe with Napoleon but was repressed for a generation under the Congress of Vienna and concert of Europe until the revolutions of 1848.?

Nationalism led Napolean to conquer other nations and greatly expand France. Under the Congress of Vienna, land was split between the five Great Powers so that none were more powerful than the other. The goal was to keep it this way to prevent one country from becoming too powerful.

How do you think french nationalism affect the war between France and the powers of Europe?

french nationalism affected the war between france and the powers of europe

What contributed to Americans sense of nationalism following the War of 1812?

Everybody loves a winner. The Americans felt they'd fought off the aggressor nation they'd split off from; the British barely noticed, as they were fighting Napoleon in Europe.

What factor lead to the rise of nationalism in Europe?
