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Q: Which country was the first to claim terrority in the new world?
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Which country was the first to claim in the new world?

The Vikings from Sweden, were probably the first. Christopher Columbus sailing for Spain is given the credit for officially being the first.

Was Germany the first country in the world?

NoEthiopia was the first country in the world.

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Russia is the first largest country in the world

What country did Germany claim first in World War 2?

Definatly russia, they arrived way before Britain did.

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It's a first world country

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It's most likely a First World Country.

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If you mean "Is Korea a a first world country", then yes, it is a first world country It has a higher GPA per capita than Canada

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Jacques cartier

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we are a first world country

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The first Islamic country in the world is what is presently called Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Italy was the first country to win 2 world cups