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Men over the age of 60 could vote in Athenian democracy.

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Q: Which group could vote in Athenian democracy?
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What is representational democracy?

Is a type of a goverment where people get togeather and vote for the leader.

What countries were communist in the 1950's?

China, the Soviet Union, North Vietnam, North Korea, and a few other countries were communist during the 1950s. The USA was a democracy and had a capitalistic government. No country in the world has ever been communist, in the sense that Marx and Engles would have understood it. No country in the world has ever been a democracy since the days of the original Athenian democracy (which had slaves that of course had no vote, and women had no vote either). The closest they can come is a democratic republic, which is indirect (democracy is direct rule by the people, every decision must be brought to a full vote of all the people). Capitalism is not a form of government, it is an economic system.

Who said that a democracy can not survive once the people realize they can vote themselves benefits?

Alexis DeTouqueville stated this in Volume I of Democracy in America.

Why were the suffragettes not allowed to vote?

Suffragettes alone weren't allowed to vote, all women could not vote. Suffragettes were only women who were protesting the lack of the right to vote.

What group wanted the Estates General to vote by head rather than by Estate?

The Third Estate, made up of about 98% of France's population, which included the bourgeoisie, peasants, and laborers. Vote by Estate meant that each Estate was entitled to one vote per Estate, so the First and Second Estates (made up of about 2% of France's population, the aristocracy and the clergy) could vote together and successfully vote against 98% of France. Voting by head meant that the Estates would vote based on population, meaning that the Third Estate would have much more votes than the First and Second Estates.

Related questions

Who was allowed to vote in Athenian government?

The only group that could vote in Athenian democracy were men over 60 years old

Who could vote in ancient athenian democracy and how often would they?

Only kids could vote.

Which men could vote in Athenian democracy?

The free men above 18

Which group of people was able to vote in the Athenian democracy how was Athenian democracy different than the democracy we know today?

The adult male citizens voted. They voted in fortnightly assemblies. In today's representative democracies, citizens elect representatives to a parliament, and hope that their representative will vote the way they wish.

What form of government did the Athenian develop?

The Athenians developed a Democracy where only certain classes of people could vote.

What form of the government was created by the Athenian's?

democracy like we have now, people get to vote for what goes on

Who ruled the body of athenian democracy?

Free adult males who were members of wealthy and powerful families could vote for the President or Prime Minister.

The government of Athens after coleus themes became?

Cleisthenes is referred to as the father of Athenian democracy. He reduced the power of the Athenian nobility and gave it to the people by creating an assembly for people to vote and discuss state politics.

How does the American democracy differ from the democracy that grew under Pericles?

The fundamental distinction between Ancient Athenian democracy and US democracy is that the Ancient Athenians had a direct democracy in which all persons entitled to vote would vote on all issues and the US has an indirect democracy in which all persons entitled to vote will vote for representatives who will then vote on all issues.However, there are other differences. Ancient Athenian democracy was limited in several ways. The first were limits on suffrage. Only ethnic Athenian males who owned property were allowed to vote. This was less than 10% of the population of Athens. There were also limits on who could be the leaders of the state, restricting that to several noble families. Conversely, in the US, because of amendments to the Constitution any person above the age of eighteen years is entitled to vote and any person who follows the requisite conditions (which are conditions for which any citizen could qualify) can achieve any office in the country (excepting the Presidency which requires a US birth).

Which of the following was a feature of Athenian democracy during 5th century BC?

All male citizens could vote in the city assembly regardless of wealth.

What rights did citizens have in an athenian democracy?

Citizens were the free born men and non-citizens were women, slaves, and foreigners. Citizens can pass laws, vote, and speak in public meetings but not citizens couldn't.

What government is ruled by citizens who could vote?
