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Germany will accept full responsibility for causing the war.

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Q: Which idea was included in the provision of the treaty of Versailles to show the intent of allies to push the central powers for their role in world war 1?
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What allies took part during Treaty of Versailles peace talks?

The Central Powers, which were Britain and France.

What is exactly is the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty between the Allies and Central Powers to end WWI. And which put virtually all the blame of WWI on Germany.

Why did the Allies make the Treaty of Versailles so harsh?

Britain and France wanted to punish the Central Powers for causing the war.

Which idea was included in the provision of the treaty of Versailles to show the intent of the allies to punish the central powers for their role in world war 11?

Germany had its armed forces limited. It could not had weapons in an area known as the Rhineland that formed much of its French border or unite with Austria. It had to pay France and England war reparations and assume all the guilt for the war.

What is the name of the group that included Germany and its allies in world war 1?

Germany was one of this Central Powers.

How did the Treaty of Versailles help the Armenians?

The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to give up its influence in the Ottoman region, which included Armenia. The Treaty of Sevres was meant to specifically establish peace between the Ottomans and the Allies, but it was never signed.

The treaty of Versailles was a treaty between the allies and which country?


Who was the war between in World War 1?

The Allies (France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, England and later the US were some major countries) and the Central Powers (Germany, The Ottoman Empire and Austria -Hungary) :)

Did the US evenually join the central powers during world war 1?

No. The Central Powers were Germany, Austria and their allies. The US joined the Allied Powers, which included Britain and France.

What happened to the Turkish empire?

During WWI and the defeat of the central powers. Follows the Treaty of Versailles which had many demands that the Central Powers had to do to pay for the war. One was to split up the Ottoman empire and each of the Allies get some of the countries they owned.

The Versailles treaty was between?

The Treaty of Versailles was between Germany and the Allies/Big Four(America, England, France, Italy).

The war between Germany and Allies ended with what?

signing of the Treaty of Versailles