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Q: Which of the events listed do you think was the mos important explain?
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What world events happened in 1969?

I think the Cold War happened in this year.

What world events happened in year 2001?

we survived y2k the 911 attacks... i think that's it...,

What world events happened on September 12?

Ummmm...i think nothing really but on the day but on the day before that...september 11:(

What were the events of World War 2 in correct chronological order?

I think that out of all the events of World War 11 that we have looked at, D-day and Operation Barbarossa were equally as important, as they both managed to destroy much of the German armed forces. I think this because, D-day was an invasion on Germany therefore they would not have been prepared to fight back against this attack meaning that many, many troops were killed and trapped in the west of the country by blocking main roads; also meaning that other German troops and supplies could not get to the stranded men. I also think that Operation Barbarossa was definitely an event because it was extremely hard for the Germans to prepare for the mistake of trying to take on Russia. Over a third of Leningrad died, so this drove the Russians to fight back after the Germans had failed to take the land they wanted for their people and withdrew, meaning that Russia won as Germany was not prepared for this attack. The British prime minister (at the time) would also agree with this, as when he heard what the Germans were doing he laughed and instantly knew that they had bitten off more than they could chew. It may be argued that events such as the atomic bomb or the Battle of Midway, both involving the Japanese and American, were the most important, but in my opinion, because these events had no complete involvement of Germany, I do not think that they were quite as important as Operation Barbarossa or D-day. My reason for this is that the two I think were the most important both were directly to do with making Germany's armed forces weaker, and then leading into them backing down and admitting defeat.

Why sir Robert Walpole was such a significant individual in England?

I think it was because he was the first reconized prime minister

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i think it depends on WHERE you explain it and WHO you explain it to.

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i really do need help with this Qestion.Name TWO events on this timeline you think were important to the outcome of the war.i didnt answer it yet. this isn't a ANSWER. i just neeed the ANSWER. SO plz. I always need help with my homwrk its so hard im 17* if you can help me please contact me @karissa_watson1@hotmail.comthnkxs.