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The Histories by Herodotus an ancient Greek written 450-420 BC, seems to be the oldest history text I have heard off. Admittedly it was about the Mediterranean area, but I think that was the World as far as we in the west knew at that time.

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Q: Who attempted to write the first world history?
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People who discover study interpret and write history are called?

People who discover, study, interpret, and write history are called

What is the History of the migrant worker in US?

write it plz write it plz

What was the significance of the quote made by Winston Chruchill -History will be kind to you for you intend to write it?

because if u write history it's ur point of view.

Why did they invent paper?

different kinds of reasonsso we can write on itto write and record history

What does World History consists of?

World history may be split in different ways - different cultures, different scientists, wars and laws, Presidents and governments. It is often split by geographical area or by time ranges. People have probably lived on the earth for about 2 million years. But the story of world history begins about 5,500 years ago with the invention of writing. The period before people began to write is usually known as prehistory. Archaeologists have pieced together the story of prehistory by studying what the people had left behind, including artwork, tools, ruins of buildings, fossils, and even their own skeletons. Such objects provide the main evidence of what prehistoric people were like and how they lived. The first traces of writing date from about 3500 B.C. From then on, people could write their own history. By writing down their experiences, they could tell future generations what they were like and how they lived. From these documents, we can learn firsthand, about the rise and fall of civilizations and the course of other important events. So, the history of the world, from the first civilizations to the present, is based largely on what has been written down by peoples through the ages.

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Herodotus was from the city of halicarnassus, Greece. he was the first to write the history of the western world. also known as father of history.

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NovaNET answer: was the first to write a rational history

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me lol

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Ah, we have to do that when we write our essays in history, our teacher told us not to use the word "I" so instead we would have to write something like this (for an example, in history): "In conclusion the biggest reason for The First World War was probably....this is because.....but on the other hand..." Something like that. You could maybe use something like that in your essay (Even if it isn't history that you're doing).

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The world will just end. There will be no one to write this down in history. We will all just be dead.

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A number of people have attempted to write biographies of Shakespeare. The first was a man called Nickolas Rowe. You can read Rowe's biography at the related link.

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he is the first filipino to acquire doctorate degree in sociology and write a sociology textbook.He attempted to introduce the scientific veiw but with the little success.

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The true history of the earth is not a lie. The history that is taught could be a lie, because people who write history may have changed it for reasons we would not be aware of.

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Write what are you talking about in a chinease voice

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