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Q: Who did France and England fight against in World War 1?
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Did England fight Germany in world war 1 and 2?

England and Germany did fight in world war one and two

Did Britain help France in world war 1?

No, France gave in to Germany, and Germany then took over France. We did not help them. Not in World War I, the war the question asks about. Britain joined France in its fight againt Germany during the first World War.

When did France become an enemy of England?

That would be 1066 when William (the Conqueror) of Normandy invaded (and conquered) England. Initially this meant that the King of France received taxes from England but it also meant that England ruled Normandy. But through marriages the King of England (this is 100s of years later) ended up ruling half of France. This meant the two countries started contesting for power.When, finally, England was ousted from France after the Hundred Years War it wasn't long before they had something else to fight about. In 1492 Cristopher Columbus returned from his voyage to the New World with stories of a land rich in gold and precious minerals. England, France and Spain leapt at the chance of riches and new lands and all three fought each other for power for hundreds of years.When all of that calmed down it was time for a Corsican by the name of Napoleon Boneparte to bring his ideas for France. This meant conquering most of Europe with only Spain, Portugal and the UK standing against him.For some reason after that England and France were relatively friendly with each other.The answer to your question is 1066 but I thought a history of English-French wars might be useful to you.

What country did France fight in world war 1?

Germany on the western front and turkey on the eastern front

Why did England and France fight to much in the new world?

The rivalries between Britain & France in History are worldwide. There was a huge power struggle going on between various europen powers, & Britain & France were formost in this. The Caribean, the US & Canada saw much conflict over time, as well as India in Asia. Britain & France saw each other as competitors and enemies for a very long time.

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France and Russia favoured England during world war 1 but then later on Russia backed out of the war because it had the revolution going on in its own country and also because it had signed a treaty with Germany not to fight against it.