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Q: Who fought against Henry 5th in the battle of agincourt?
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What was the first major battle to be won by the longbow?

The battle of agincourt English victory over French during Hundred Years War under Henry V of England

When was the Battle of Bosworth?

The Battle of Bosworth occurred on August 22, 1485. It was in this battle that Henry Tudor defeated Yorkist Richard III. The Plantagenet dynasty ended and a new Tudor dynasty began.

What does cry God for Harry England and St George mean?

It is from Shakespear's play ' King Henry (V) '[ the fifth]. It is an inspirational statement to all Englishmen who fought with him (King Henry ) at the Battle of Agincourt. Even today it is still an inspirational acclamation. To 'Cry God for Harry, England and St. George. To 'Cry' does not mean 'boo' hoo' , but a shout of acclamation; a cheer. 'God' is the Christian God. People were much more religious , when this battle was fought, and it means that that God is on the Englishman's side, and will protect Englishmen. 'Harry' is a nickname for the name 'Henry' ( King Henry (V)). It is still used today , as Prince Harry ( he is formally Prince Henry). 'England' that nation they are all from and wish to fight for, and protect. 'St. George' is the patron saint of England, he slew the dragon. His flag is a white flag, with a red perpendicular cross and still refers to as the flag of England. He is like a national mascot. Be you an Englishman or not, hope that helps with your understanding!!!!!

What big event happened in Shrewsbury in 1403?

The Battle of Shrewsbury took place on 21 July 1403 between King Henry IV and the rebel Henry Percy, Percy had supported King Richard III against the then Henry Tudor who took the English throne in 1399.

The rebellion against Henry IV was eventually crushed?


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