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Q: Who fought to free Jerusalem during crusades?
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The maw maw a secret African society fought to free the country of?


How did Tecumseh help make the world a better place today?

Tecumseh fought in the war of 1812. That's how he made the world a better place for us to live in today. Tecumseh was a native american. He gave up his everything for us. During the war Tecumseh's death had occured. Tecumseh fought for Canada and today Canada is a free country where no one needs to worry that their child might get shot in the war, or that their family can die anytime because of the war. The war of 1812 has made a big difference in our life today. Though Tecumseh had fought in that war so there is some credit to him also because he fought until the end of the war but unfortunatley at the end he died :(

During the Berlin Conference who was granted control of the Congo Free State?

Leopold II

What social class in Europe gained power after the crusades?

That would be the Burghers, or the middle class. After the crusades, trade required a money economy to be used throughout Europe, undermining the way the Feudal system worked. Lords had to pay their serfs, and there was little way for them to do that. As a result, many of the lords lost land and the serfs on it were freed, becoming the Middle Class. Another reason that some of the lords were displaced is because some nobles died in battle in the Crusades and their land went to kings. Other nobles sold their land for war supplies and allowed their serfs to buy freedom and inhabit the town or be free on the land. The middle class was also on kings' good sides in the first place because the King could collect taxes from them to fund wars.

Who helped liberate the french during World War 2?

America, Great Britain, Canada and Free French Forces.

Related questions

Did the crusades free Jerusalem?

There were many crusades. In some the city was freed in some it was captured.

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Why did the Christians slaughter Muslims during the crusades?

After centuries of Islamic expansion under threat of the sword, many Christian lands were under Islamic rule and oppression including the Holy Land of Jerusalem and its surroundings. The Crusaders fought to free the many oppressed Christians enslaved under Islamic rule. They also fought to reclaim the Holy Land to its rightful heritage. The brutalities of war were common to both sides of this conflict.

What was the first goal of the crusades?

To capture the Christian holy land To reconquer the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and free the Eastern Christians from Islamic rule. To take Jerusalem for the Catholic Church

What happened during the crusades?

The Crusades were a series of holly wars waged by Catholic countries in Europe. The purpose of the war was to free the land of Israel from the Muslim rule.

What was the object of the crusades?

The original stated purpose was to free Jerusalem from the infidels; they began with a call for help from the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire against an expanding Muslim dynasty. They had tremendous impact on politics, economics and society. See the Related Links for "Wikipedia: Crusades" and " Crusades" to the left for more information.

Who did the pope wanted to free the holy land from?

Mainly Muslims were in control of the Holy Land at the time of Crusades, however when the Crusaders reached Jerusalem, they massacred Muslims and Jews living there. The Crusades were a failure, and Muslims controlled the area until after WWI in 1918.

What was the main object of the Crusades?

The original stated purpose was to free Jerusalem from the infidels; they began with a call for help from the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire against an expanding Muslim dynasty. They had tremendous impact on politics, economics and society. See the Related Links for "Wikipedia: Crusades" and " Crusades" to the left for more information.

European knights were urged to join the crusades?

European knights were urged to join the Crusades by Pope Urban II. They were to rout the Muslims and free the holy city of Jerusalem as well as protect the Holy Roman Empire at Byzantium in 1095. The reward was forgiveness for all of their sins.

How do you describe the crusades?

The crusades started because the Pope wanted to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control. While there were actually many small crusades, there are four major ones that stick out in history. The first crusade, from 1095-1099, is considered a Christian success because the crusaders were able to reclaim Jerusalem. The second crusade, from 1145-1148 was fought to claim Edessa from the Muslims. The crusaders lost the battle. The third crusade, from 1187-1191, was fought to attempt to reclaim Jerusalem from Saludin. While the crusaders did not win Muslim control, Christians were given free citizen access. The fourth crusade, from 1198-1204, was the most brutal. The crusaders ended up attacking their own cities and causing devastation to their own people, without ever making it to the Holy Land.

Did people have freedom during the American revolution?

Not Everybody But Free Africans Fought For Patriots And Some Runaways Fought For The British.

How did the crusades happen?

The Byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus wrote a letter to the council of Piacenza in 1095 asking for help to free the christians in Jerusalem from persucation of the Muslims. The pope, Urban II gave permission to kill the infidels (the muslims) at the council of clermont and this caused this mass expedition which followed into the capture of Jerusalem. This first expedition was the bowling ball for all of the other crusades that have followed.