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History does not record the name of the inventor of the clay tablet.

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Q: Who invented the clay tablet?
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Why was the oldest map drawn on a tablet of clay?

Paper had not been invented and clay was the only thing used.

When was the first tablet invented?

The first tablet computer was invented by Microsoft in 2002 and was called the Microsoft Tablet PC. It featured a touchscreen display and stylus for input.

What was the first kind of writing developed by mesopotamian people?

The writing system invented in ancient Mesopotamia was cuneiform. The Sumerians invented it more than 5000 years ago. It was written by making triangular marks on a clay tablet.

What is clay tablet?

A clay tablet is a thick piece of stone that humans inscribed messages upon. No paper or ink existed, and this was the most effective way to permanently record something.

What is a clay Tablet?

A clay tablet is a thick piece of stone that humans inscribed messages upon. No paper or ink existed, and this was the most effective way to permanently record something.

Who invented tablet PC's?

i think that mike swik was the one who invented the first tablet pc in 1980s

What was the first written language invented by the Sumerians?

Cuneiform writing - wedge-shaped symbols made by making impressions in clay tablets and then baking the tablet like a brick - was invented by the Sumerians well over 4,000 years ago.

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Its snappin!

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When was clay animation invented?

clay animation began a short time after the invention of a clay-like substance called plasticine. Plasticine was invented in 1897!