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The official story has long been incanted, that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, initiated WWI. While there is some truth to this, in as much as the event was a politically expedient excuse to begin hostilities in earnest, it was not in fact, the initiation of the Great War.

The leading industrial nations in the world at the time were the USA, Great Britain, and Germany. The greatest technological advances were happening in Germany, though they were being strangled for resources. America and England had just made the declarative switch from coal, to oil, and Germany knew that it must too. To that end, the rail line, historically known as The Orient Express, was to be extended all of the way to oil fields of Basra Iraq. Construction was begun on both ends.

England, in great concern that Germany would soon have control of territory that was far too close in proximity to the Suez Canal, (England's access route to their greatest remaining asset; India), strategically invaded Basra, destroyed the beginnings of the new rail line, and secured the oil fields for England. This move of course infuriated the Germans, but they could do nothing about it.

That is, until the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, gave them a convenient official "reason", to declare a need for vengeance, in the name of their "beloved" Archduke.

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Q: Who is assassination initiated the beginning of world war 1?
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Who is assassination spark the beginning of World War 1?

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914 sparked the beginning of World War I.

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The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife initiated the immediate series of events that led to World War I.

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The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife initiated the immediate series of events that led to World War I.

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The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914 sparked the beginning of World War 1.

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the igniting force beginning WWI.

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand.