Askia Mohammed. He was one of the previous king, Sonni Ali's generals.
The vast majority of its people had converted to Islam by about A.D. 1000.
In terms of land, France controlled most of it. Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom did have sizable colonies in West Africa, though.
The "Great Three" West African empires were Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.
Sonni Ali Of Songhai was differ from most other West African rulers because he did not adopt Islam but, he was a follower of Islam.
Nigeria is the name of the British colony in West Africa.
Sunni Ali
It was the largest empire in West Africa and Africa.
It was a kingdom of West Africa in the mid-15th century.
why didnt another kingdom develop in west africa after the fall of songhai
The Songhai Empire was one of the largest empires in West Africa during the 15th and 16th centuries.
In West Africa.
Which country was the largest in the history of West Africa?
Yes. The Songhai Empire was the largest empire that West Africa and even Africa had ever seen.
Askia Mohammed. He was one of the previous king, Sonni Ali's generals.
The Songhai Empire was located in West Africa, primarily in present-day Mali and Niger along the Niger River. It was one of the largest empires in Africa, known for its economic power and intellectual achievements.
The Songhai Empire was in West Africa.
Songhai empire is in west africa