Mulims Allah Made the World for the First time.
it was first used in 7th century in Persia
Peter Henlein, 1511
Eadweard Muybridge made the first film in the world. It was a set of pictures one after another which showed a man on a horse
Ans is "floccinaucinihilipilification" 29 character
Webster made the first dictionary!
The first English dictionary was written by Samuel Johnson in 1755. It was first called the Johnson Dictionary. It wasn't until 173 years later that the Oxford English Dictionary was produced.
A whirligig is first described in a dictionary in 1440
Webster's New World Dictionary was first published by the World Publishing Company in 1951. It is now published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
shamiah the world best girl did
the father of the american dictionary
The First Word of the Dictionary is "A"
Aadhunika Malayalam, the first Malayalam dictionary, was created by Hermann Gundert, a German missionary, linguist, and scholar. It was published in 1872.
It partly depends what you mean by electronic dictionary, but the Collins dictionary, published in 1979, was one of the first published that used a computer database of definitions which made it much easier to prevent circular definitions.
The Cambridge Dictionary was made available online in the year of two thousand. It has been updated and in the site since this time and it is a very useful tool there.
World Book Dictionary was created in 1963.
The first word in the S section of a dictionary will depend on which dictionary you use. SAA is in the dictionary and stands for the Speech Association of America.