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Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak resigned from the office of president on 2011 February 12 amid civilian protests.

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The answer you are looking for is HOSNI MUBARAK.

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Hosni Mubarak

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Q: Who resigned the presidency of Egypt as a result of Arab spring demonstrations?
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Who resigned the presidency of Egypt as a result of and Arab Spring demonstrations?

Hosni Mubarak

Who was elected president of Egypt in 2012 after the Arab Spring demonstrations?

Mohamed Morsi

Which country did the Arab Spring begin?

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Gorbachev formally resigned his remaining political office on Christmas Day 1991 . In the spring of 1995

What caused the demonstrations of the Arab Spring to gain suck quick momentum?

The Arab Spring demonstrations gained quick momentum due to a combination of factors such as widespread use of social media for organizing and mobilizing, a collective sense of frustration with autocratic regimes, economic hardships, and demands for political and social reforms. The demonstrations also drew inspiration from successful uprisings in other countries.

Who resigned as president in the Arab Spring?

In Tunisia: Zine Abidine ben Ali resigned. In Egypt: Hosni Mubarak indirectly resigned on account of having a stroke at an inopportune time. In Libya and Syria, militant campaigns have been going on in order to evict leaders that are less willing to concede power.

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a spring

Was there violence in Arab spring?

It depends. In some nations, like Tunisia and Morocco, Arab Spring occurred through peaceful marches and demonstrations. In other nations, like Libya and Syria, it has taken a decidedly more violent turn.

What caused the demonstrations of the Arab Spring to gain such quick momentum?

The Arab Spring demonstrations gained momentum due to a combination of factors, including widespread political repression, economic inequality, high levels of youth unemployment, and the extensive use of social media to organize and mobilize protesters. These factors combined to create a sense of urgency and solidarity among those seeking political change in the region.

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Definition of spring energy?

Potential energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic object, such as the stretching of a spring.