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Kaiser Wilhelm the Second. Kaiser (derived from Caesar) was the title of the German and Austrian emperors.

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Q: Who was German's leader during WW1?
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Did the Germans support Kaiser Wilhelm during the outbreak of ww1?


Who was the leader during World War 1?

There was no single leader during WW1. Each country had their own leader.

What kind of aircraft did the Germans use during ww1?

The Germans used many different aircraft in WW1. They had many observer aircraft and small fighter as well as seaplanes and some bombers.

Who was the leader of britain in 1919?

David Lloyd George was the leader of Brittain during ww1

Who was germanys leader during the WW1?

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Who was the leader of austro-hungary during ww1?

Franz Joseph

Who was the major leader of America during WW1?

Woodrow Wilson

Who was the leader for germany during ww1?

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Who was leader of Great Britain during ww1?

King George V

Who was the leader of us troops during ww1?

John J. Pershing

Why were the Germans in an Economic Crisis during World War 2?

Because all of the other countries involved in WW1 agreed to make Germans pay for all of the costs of WW1. That's part of the reason why WW2 started.

Germans won WW1?
