Type your answer here... no there were people that were like nurses and the only helped the people with wounds.
people wanted to help their country fight for their freedom
over 40 million people were included in first world war
England and Germany did fight in world war one and two
To fight in the First World War or similar. To fight in the First World War or similar.
The African people and territories were involved in the First World War when the war started through their mother colonies.
People from Swindon did fight, but the town did not declare war independently.
I think Europe
No, they did not fight for the Jews.
Guns and stuff.
how the us provided the people and weapons to fight the war Uh! rubbish answer
They had trouble with the world war 2 and world war 1
In World War 2, people wanted to fight in order to for them and their country to be safe.
In Europe