Magellan was the first person to sail all the way around the world!
Sir Frances Drake commanded the first English expedition to circumnavigate the world.
The first man to rule the world is god. he OWNS the world, therefor the ruler of it.,Answer:There has never been an absolute ruler of the entire world. Some like Alexander the Great claimed to rule the known world, but this is not the same thing.
Eadweard Muybridge made the first film in the world. It was a set of pictures one after another which showed a man on a horse
It's a Man's Man's Man's World was created in 1966-04.
Ethiopia is the most oldest country known to man
Joshua Slocum
Sir Frances Drake commanded the first English expedition to circumnavigate the world.
The firstman to actually sail round the world was Sir Francis William Drake. Drake is however not being reckoned upon in the entire world today as the first man to,because of the negative role he played .He was a pirate . PRINCEWILL ESARA He was not a pirate but an adventurer, all sailors were then,all supported by their King or Queen, and he did not sail round the world, as the first Englishman to sail round the world was Sir Francis Chichester in the 20c.
He was sailing for Spain, and he was the very first man to sail around the world! Go Ferinand Magellan
First man to sail around the world. He was killed in the Philippines, but his ship and crew made it home.
Persian or Babylonian astrologer 3, 000 years ago.How was it proven?The person who 'proved' the world was round was Ferdinand Magellan, who was the first man to sail around the world. That was the first time it was conclusively proven that the world was round.
Ferdinand Magellan is credited with that feat.
Ferdinand Magellan got killed on his journey around the world but still got the credit for traveling around the whole entire world Actually Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to sail all the way across the world in 1519-1521. then Sir Frances Drake was then wanting to do the same as Magellan so he had went to sail off around the world. Magellan had sailed off with 250 men and 5 ships! it was a long and difficult journey some of his men mutinied or rebelled. he first reached the Philippines were he was killed in a fight with the native people. in September of 1522 18 survivers arrived back at Spain. They were the first people to circumnavigate or sail around the world!
Magellan s voyage was the first to sail around the world, though he did not complete the voyage.
no. Magellan was in 1492. u can remember this by " Magellan sailed the ocean blue in 1492" That should be Columbus not Magellan. Magellan did not sail until 1519. Furthermore Columbus only crossed the Atlantic. Francis Drake was the second person to lead an expedition in circumnavigating the world.