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It could have been before time was recorded. No one knows.

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Q: Who was the first slave on earth?
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Who was the first slave?

There are no records that indicate who was actually the first slave.

Who was the leader of the first slave rebellion?

Nat Turner led the first slave rebellion.

Who was the first slave who got to freedom?

Harriet Tubman was the vary first slave to be free

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Were people with the last name carter slave masters?

Black people was the first on earth, so the name Carter came from a black nation.

Who was the first leader of the first successful slave rebellion in the Caribbean region?

howard watson pett robertson the first slave to rebel

Who was the leader of the first successful slave rebellion in the Caribbean?

howard watson pett robertson the first slave to rebel

Who was the first slave to go against slave owners?

Counta Kintai , Thomas

Who was the leader of the first successful slave rebellion in the Caribbean region?

howard watson pett robertson the first slave to rebel

When was fugitive slave law passed?

the first fugitive slave law was passed in 1793.

What country was the 1st to be invovled in the slave trade?

England was the first to be involved with the slave trade

Who owned the first colonist to buy a slave?

The king owned the colonists, so... The king owned the first colonist that bought a slave.