The leader of the Songhai people who rebelled against the king was Muhammad Ture, also known as Askia I. He seized power in 1493 and established the Askia dynasty. His rebellion was fueled by the fear that the king's lack of support for Islam would hinder trade with Muslim lands.
because they was the best
The Roundheads supported Parliament. They fought against Charles I and his supporters who believed in Absolute Monarchy and the Divine Right of Kings.
the europeans supported slavery because of the change from tobacco to sugar,this required a vast amount of unskilled labour.
Thomas Cranmer was sentenced to death by burning. He died because of his support for Jane Grey's ascension to the English throne.
because the stars told them that France would surrender in world war 2
Askia Mohammed, one of Sonni Ali's generals.
the Colombian province of Panama rebelled against Colombia with U.S. support.
The Nationalists This group, which had facist tendencies, rebelled against Spain's democratic Republican Government.
Monarchy. Songhai was ruled by a king or emperor and had local rulers who administered their regions and paid taxes, tributes and military support to Songhai.
They supported Islam.
Songhai was ruled by a king or emperor and had local rulers who administered their regions and paid taxes, tributes and military support to Songhai.AND IT WAS THE TRAINS
Prince Akbar, fourth son of Aurangzeb, rebelled against his father with support of the Rajputs. After the failure of his revolt he fled to Persia where he died in exile in November, 1704.
no they were against it because it did not support their idea of more power to the people.
The term "hippie" didn't come about until the 20th Century, long after the time of Jesus. There are some parallels between Jesus's approach to life and that of the typical hippie of the 1970s. Jesus rebelled against the inflexibility of the ruling Sadducees, and hippies similarly rebelled against conventional thought--particularly the idea that we must support the war in Vietnam because natonal leaders said so. Jesus never endeavered to collect material wealth, and hippies usually preferred not to conform to a corporate image in order to go up the career ladder. These similarities doe not mean there aren't differences, though.
Because japan attacked the U.S. first
no he was not against confederation. Because he had convinced them to join.
because they had no support