Life was sad and scary because you might not be able to see your family any more.
There are a lot of important people in ww2, there are the pilots, the soldiers, the women who took up the mens jobs, the nurses and doctors, the adults that took in the evacuees, night wardens. But the 2 most important ones are Winston Churchill and Adolph Hitler.
5 years
The evacuees usually escaped from the large cities to the countryside and stayed their for the remainder of the war, and then they were re-united with the rest of their family.
The evacuees would be picked by the family. They would go down to the station and check the kids' ID, clothes and gender and then they would take the chosen child home.
Evacuees in WW2 were allowed teddies. Many pictures of evacuees boarding the trains have children with teddies.
board games
They went to wales
there was 1.3 million official evacuees
A name tag is somthing what evacuees had to were in ww2 so people would now how the kids are
With all the bombing in Britain in WW2 children were sent away. They were called evacuees. They were sent to live either with relatives in the countryside, or random people, away from all the major cities which were being bombed at this time.
Life was sad and scary because you might not be able to see your family any more.
The evacuation conducted by the Ministry of Health did not send the evacuees overseas. Some families went overseas to get away from the blitz bombing. ___ Yes some evacuees were sent abroad. Canada, Australia, South Africa and NZ all hosted evacuees. The evacuations were organized by the Children's Overseas Reception Board (CORB)
i don't know hte @nswer. looking for the same answer for my ww2 homework. :( scottish evacuees were sent to main part of Scotland to fight off the Japanese in planes with ak ak guns hoped this helped :) sorry that was soldiers scottish evacuees were sent to countryside such an hils and the highlands
where did the first ever evacuees come from where did the first ever evacuees come from