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Q: Why are goods moved around the world?
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How are goods moved throughout El Salvador?

people pay them to ship them in boats to every where in the world

How is wood moved around the world?

Wood is usually moved between countries by ship.

How was goods moved in the middle ages?

they were moved by ship and travel

Does Romania export goods to other places?

Of course, Romania export goods around the world.

People who buy and sell goods?

Merchants used to travel around the world to buy and sell goods

Why was the boat invented?

to carry goods and people all around the world

How is globalisation linked with fashion industry?

Nike sells goods made from countries around the world and they are sold in countries around the world.

How were goods moved from ancient Egypt?

They used the Nile to transport goods to other countries or to import them.

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What did people do on a ship in the 1830s's?

Well if you are talking around the world they mostly shipped food supplies and goods like jewlery and home goods.

What would be the effects of major nuclear war?

Radiation poisoning moved around the world by the wind.

What are 3 examples of goods being moved?

wheat ,water ,money