Russia Empire (including Congress Poland), Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Ottoman Empire. And barely Sweden and Norway.
Australia was once a colony of Great Britain.
it helped them to protect Britain
Great Britain
Great Britain.
Britain did not "join" the Roman empire. Britain was conquered and then annexed into the empire as a province.
Britain was part of the Roman Empire from about the year 49 AD until about 410 AD. The Romans called it Britannia.
Wow, you're thick. England is a country, which is in Britain. The answer is no.
Britain was invaded when Rome was an empire
The land now known as England was conquered by the Roman Empire in the 1st Century AD.In the 5th Century, due to trouble elsewhere in the Roman Empire the Roman armies were withdrawn from Britain, and Roman rule ended.
Not only the empire, but Britain itself, Britain was founded with the merging of England and Scotland in 1707.
Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.Britain was separated from the rest of the empire by the English channel, the same strip of water that separates Britain from Europe today.
Britain neeeded resources and the Ottomann empire thought the British were treading on their land.
Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.Claudius ruled the Roman empire when it annexed Britain.
Britain - here you will find a developing story on Britain's role in Iraq: The Lost Library YT channel.
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