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Faster trade routes and to expand there territories! The explorers did it for favor of the crown among other benefits.

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Jimmy Hoeger

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1y ago

Europeans began exploring other lands for a variety of reasons. One major motivation was economic gain, as they sought new trade routes and valuable resources. Additionally, there was a desire for religious expansion and conversion, particularly during the time of European colonization. Lastly, curiosity and a thirst for knowledge played a role, as Europeans sought to understand the world and its peoples.

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Q: Why did Europeans begin exploring other lands?
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What were the three reasons Europeans were afraid to explore other lands?

the world was flat sea monsters the closer you got to the equator the hotter the water got no food or water for that long a voyage

Why did the europeans explore America?

Because these represented unknown, undeveloped lands that had no large populations or industry. The Americas had great potential for agriculture, mining, and other types of commercial developments. The Native Americans, isolated from the more developed areas of Europe and Asia, did not have the same level of technology, and did not own and use the land in the same way as Europeans did.

When the Spanish encountered native peoples in the New World the main reason the Europeans dominated was .?

Europeans were able to dominate the Native Americans because they were mostly meeting with people who had a subsistence type of existence. They adjusted to changes in weather, over worked fields and other elements by moving from place to place. The European culture was more acquisitive, and the Europeans looked for ways and means to provide a consistent living through trade of furs and other commodities for things they needed for survival. Besides the basic seeds and stock, Europeans brought over items to sustain the early startup of their civilization. Europeans took over open lands that the Indians were not using seasonally, causing disruption in the lives of the natives.

Why did Europeans encourage overseas exploration?

For the same reason we check out mineral resources, sometimes at huge expense: in the hope of striking gold. Or oil, or other things which will give us money. In order to make money and increase military power. Stealing from distant lands was a lucrative business.

What did the Europeans exchange in the Columbian Exchange?

Fur and other goods.

Related questions

What factors led Europeans to begin their voyage exploration?

Europeans wanted access to the riches of the East. They wanted to spread Catholicism to other lands and they wanted to gain power at home.

What factors motivated Europeans to begin exploring other continents?

Europeans were motivated to explore other continents by their competition with Spain(Spain had recently found much wealth in gold and silver), the chance to spread the Christian faith, and to expand their nation as a whole.

Why did Europeans believe they were justified in conquering other lands?

They believed this was a form of exploration and bringing civilisation to uncharted and ungoverned lands with no apparent organisation.

What factors led European to begin their voyages of exploration?

Europeans wanted access to the riches of the East. They wanted to spread Catholicism to other lands and they wanted to gain power at home.

What did the Europeans have that allowed them to conquer other territories?

greed, which drove their desire for conquest of other lands, to control the resources, and wealth therein.

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas reveal about Europeans' attitudes toward non-European lands and people?

The Treaty of Tordesillas revealed that Europeans believed they had the right to divide and control non-European lands and people without their consent. It reflected the attitude of superiority and entitlement that Europeans held towards other regions of the world during the Age of Exploration.

What did the Europeans think about the Native Americans land?

Once the Europeans had settled themselves, in a manner of speaking, they saw the vast lands they controlled as areas for farming. These were lands that were "fresh" lands as compared to European farmlands and had a vast potential for expanding westward. In other areas of the New World, Europeans saw the potential of mineral deposits, gold and silver as examples.

How did these changes help lead to the European Age of Exploration?

During the middle ages. Europeans had done little exploring beyond their own shores.Except for the Holy land, they they had very little knowledge of. or interest in, other lands. During the Reinassance , however, Europeans became curious about the world around them. This lead to an interest in science and technology. It also led to the age of Exploration. Hope i helped..

Why did the europeans use gold gospel and glory?

Europeans used the phrase "gold, gospel, and glory" to express their motivations for exploring and colonizing other parts of the world. The pursuit of gold represented economic gain through trade and exploitation of resources, spreading the gospel represented the desire to spread Christianity to new lands, and seeking glory represented the quest for power, status, and influence through conquest and expansion.

How did exploring new lands affect global interactions?

Exploring new lands led to the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between previously isolated regions, contributing to the formation of a more interconnected global community. It also resulted in the spread of diseases, colonization, and conflicts as different groups competed for resources and power. Overall, exploring new lands had a profound impact on shaping modern global interactions and history.

How did other explorers help europeans learn about new lands?

Other explorers helped Europeans learn about new lands by sharing their maps, navigational techniques, and information about geography and resources. They also provided firsthand accounts of their experiences in uncharted territories, which inspired other explorers to venture out and discover new lands. Additionally, explorers like Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta popularized the idea of exploration through their travel narratives.

What lands were not known to Europeans during the time of Columbus?

Columbus and many other countries had discovered and explored many lands. In his search for the Indies Columbus discovered the Bahama Islands, North and South America, and many other lands. Columbus never did find the Indies before his death.