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France took over Haiti because haiti disobeyed them in skavery

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Q: Why did France take over Haiti?
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When did France take over Haiti?


When was Haiti taken over by France?

Haiti was taken over by the French in 1700s (1752).

Who did Haiti gain its independance from?

Haiti gained its independence from France

Why is Haiti influenced by the french?

Haiti use to be a colony of France.Haiti use to be a colony of France.

Is haiti part of France?

No, Haiti is not part of France. Haiti gained independence from France in 1804 after a long and bloody revolution. Haiti is a separate country located on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean.

What are the two countries on Hispaniola?

The island of hispaniola is made up from Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Is Haiti ruled by china or France?

Haiti is an independent country and is therefore not currently ruled by either China or France. Prior to their independence Haiti was a colony of France, but that is no longer the case.

How old is Haiti?

Haiti gained independence from France on January 1, 1804, making it over 200 years old as an independent nation.

Who did haiti declare independence?

Haiti declared independence from France.

What problem did Bonaparte have with Haiti?

Napoleon Bonaparte had a problem with Haiti due to the successful slave rebellion led by Toussaint Louverture that resulted in Haiti gaining independence from France. Bonaparte's failure to reassert control over the island following the rebellion had significant economic and strategic implications for France.

What democrace is in Haiti?


Did Napoleon Bonaparte almost take over france?

No He managed to take over France