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cuz tha did

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Q: Why did Germany want a bigger empire during World War 1?
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What was allied with Germany during world war 1?

Austro-Hungarian Empire and Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire joined forces with who during world war 1?

Germany .

What is the third riech during world war 2?

the third empire, or third Reich, was the empire of Germany in which Hitler was leader

Who were Germany's allies in WWI?

Central Powers: Germany, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary

Who comprised the axis power during world war 1?

Germany, Austria, and The Ottoman empire

Did Germany have a bigger air force than England during the second world war?

yes. Luftwafe was much bigger than RAF.

During world war 1 the central powers consisted of germany the ottoman empire austria hungary and which of these countries-?

During World War 1 the central powers consisted of Germany the Ottoman Empire Austria Hungary and Bulgaria.

Who was an ally of the US during World War 1?

Germany, austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the ottoman empire

What was the name of Aldoph Hitler's empire during World War 2?

It was still called Germany, just some people reffered to it as Nazi Germany.

Why did Germany have the biggest empire?

Germany didnt!The biggest empire the world has ever seen is the British Empire,it was the biggest empire in the world by far!Improved:your right, Germany didnt have the biggest empire. Britain did. they owned a quarter of the world, and also, a quarter of its population. Germany were jealous of Britain and this contributed to the long term causes of world war one ! =)

Who ruled Poland during World War 1?

The nation of Poland did not actually exist during World War I. It was part of the Austria-Hungarian Empire of which Germany was a part.

Policy of the ottoman empire during world war 1?

Join the Central Powers (Germany and Austria-Hungary)