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Because we were a new country and we did not want to interfere. Also, our policy on foreign affairs at the time was neutral.

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Q: Why did President Washington keep us out of the french revolution?
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Why were the french able to keep the monarchy for so much longer than the English?

They were not, We, The English still have a monarchy, while the French have their republic.

Was the French revolution worth the bloodshed?

Absolutely not. About 40.000 people got innocently murdered. The reason why the revolution was started is to be understood. The people were starving while they saw the nobility, clergy and their royal family bathing in wealth. That wasn't right and had to change, yes. But a constitutional monarchy would have been the best option. That way, the King would only have been king in name but keep his stature, and the country would have been reigned by cabinets formed of the bourgeoisie, nobility and clergy. Unfortunately, the French chose the most violent way imaginable, and murdered everybody that stood in the way (or even dared to think differently) of the revolution. Absolutist power is always dangerous in the hands of a monarch as well as in the hands of a movement (in this situation, the National Assembly). On the other hand the French Revolution abolished serfdom and absolutism in France. The National Assembly. the 3rd estate was 97% of the population and since the clergy and nobility always sided together they were oppressed. Napoleon was a dictator but he did reform the educational and judicial system.

Which three were immediate results of the french revolution?

Peaesents didn't have to pay more taxes after Napoleon took charge. The most concrete results of the French Revolution were probably achieved in 1789-91, when land was freed from customary burdens and the old corporate society was destroyed. This "abolition of feudalism" promoted individualism and egalitarianism but probably retarded the growth of a capitalist economy. Although only prosperous peasants were able to purchase land confiscated from the church and the emigrant nobility, France became increasingly a land of peasant proprietors. The bourgeoisie that acquired social predominance during the Directory and the Consulate was primarily composed of officials and landed proprietors, and although the war enabled some speculators and contractors to make fortunes, it delayed economic development. The great reforms of 1789-91 nevertheless established an enduring administrative and legal system, and much of the revolutionaries' work in humanizing the law itself was subsequently incorporated in the Napoleonic Code. Politically, the revolution was more significant than successful. Since 1789 the French government has been either parliamentary and constitutional or based on the plebiscitary system that Napoleon inherited and developed. Between 1789 and 1799, however, democracy failed. Frequent elections bred apathy, and filling offices by nomination became commonplace even before Napoleon made it systematic. The Jacobins' fraternal--and Jacobin-controlled--community expired in 1794, the direct democracy of the sansculottes was crushed in 1795, and the republic perished in 1804; but as ideals they continued to inspire and embitter French politics and keep right and left, church and state, far apart. The Revolution nevertheless freed the state from the trammels of its medieval past, releasing such unprecedented power that the revolutionaries could defy, and Napoleon conquer, the rest of Europe. Moreover, that power acknowledged no restraint: in 1793 unity was imposed on the nation by the Terror. Europe and the world have ever since been learning what infringements of liberty can issue from the concepts of national sovereignty and the will of the people.

Explain General Washington's strategy at the Battle of Trenton?

In the dead of night, on December 25 1776, George Washington led 2400 American soldiers across the Delaware River. the troops were short on supplies but were ready to fight. On the morning of December 26, the troops attacked. Being the day after Christmas, the British and Hessians were drunk and half asleep. The battle lasted only an hour and finally, 900 Hessians surrendered to Washington.

Problems encountered by Charles V in his attempt to keep Europe catholic?

The problems that Charles V encountered in his attempt to keep Europe Roman Catholic was that he faced enemies on all sides such as; ottoman Turk's, french, and especially the German princes.

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Proclamation of Neutrality

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I'm assuming you mean how all three are different. The America revolution was to break away from the Mother Country. The French revolution was to force the monarchy out of power so they could have a democratic government. The Glorious Revolution was to keep Catholics off throne of Protestant England because a Catholic heading the Anglican church just wouldn't work.

How did George Washington help the founding of the US?

Washington was active in the congresses that preceded the Revolution. He commanded the Colonial military forces during the war and worked hard to keep them supplied and equipped. He chaired the Constitutional Convention and served as the first president under the new constitution. He was truly the father of his country.

Where can you find information on George Washington's Neutrality Proclamation?

In a nutshell. Washington realized the US was in no position to take on Great Britain by supporting the French during the French Revolution. He also did not want to completely abandon the French, by remaining neutral he kept the British from declaring war on the US, and by not siding with Britain he gave some moral support to the French Revolution. Keep in mind that his neutrality policy only worked for so long, shortly after he left office following administrations went with different policies, which eventually brought the US into the war in 1811-1812. See related link at the bottom.

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During their term as president, they will live in Washington, D.C.

Why might George Washington have wanted to keep blacks from joining the American revolution in the beginning?

He probably would have had to give them their freedom in return.

What were George Washington presidential decisions?

george washington the first president was a very good leader after serving the british army he didnt get the ok to be a citizen so he went aganist them as a batle and won then became a philosepher one of his most remekrable decision is to call Ahmed the buetiful daddy

What was issued by president Washington to keep US out of European war?

the "olive branch petition"the "olive branch petition"

What was the outcome of both American and French Revolution?

The end of the Monarchy, although France failed to keep them at bay permanently.

How did the American Revolution differ from the French Revolution?

French was an internal revolution that resulted in a complete restructuring of society. In america, all they had to to was keep fighting until the british ran out of money. When they won, the only thing that changed in day to day life was who taxes went to.