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Any self respecting peoples resist colonisation.

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Q: Why did africans resist colonial rule?
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Did africans resist colonial rule?

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How did Africans respond to years of colonial rule?

THey responded as friends

When did Africans groups begin to challenge European colonial rule?

after WWII

How did Africans benefit from colonial rule?

because they would get jobs by the people who owned the coloniesAfricans benefited from colonial rule through education programs that were started by colonial masters, which helped to kill illiteracy.

What is initial primary resistance?

initial primary resistance is the first stage in revolt against the initial imposition of colonial rule. the africans ready resisted the ,imposition of colonial rule. they did not give the europeans the chance to impose their colonial policies.

What were the negative consequences of colonial rule for Africans?

The colonists introduced their ways to the Africa and this eventually led to the culture changing. Africans were eventually enslaved by the colonists and some colonists contracted diseases from the Africans.

How did africans and their descendants resist enslavement?

Africans and their descendants resisted enslavement through various methods, such as running away and forming maroon communities, engaging in acts of sabotage and rebellion, practicing cultural retentions and expressions of resistance, and seeking legal means of challenging their enslavement through courts and petitions. These forms of resistance were essential in maintaining a sense of autonomy and dignity in the face of enslavement.

How did Africans resist enslavement?

they went on the underground railroad

What two African nations remained independent of European colonial rule at the end of the 1800s?

East Africa was able to resist European conquest

How did africans resist discrimination in south Africa?

they burned their passes

How did the Africans resist discrimination in South Africa?

they burned their passes

IN what way did Africans protest colonial rule in the years after World War 1?

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