Slavery and participation in the Mexican-American War.
The American War of IndependenceThe American RebellionThe War of American IndependenceSorry, but, in fact, we tend to call it "The American Revolution"!
The war of Spanish succession
It wasn't, it was a precursor to World War 2.
Technology , reasons for war, presidents, american feeling about the war, american involvement, eveything!
To gain more territory for the United States
It fought the Spanish American War in support of Cuban Independence.
To provide support for Cuban Independence.
The US support of Cuban Independence.
It was a brief and highly supported war which led to the protracted Philippine American War that lacked solid public support.
Spanish attack on the American Battleship Maine in Havana Harbor
To gain more territory for the United States
No, because they reported heavily on Spanish atrocities in Cuba, gaining public support for the war.
The Genesis of the War was the support by the US media and the Public for the Independence of Cuba.
Support for Cuban Independence and the mysterious loss of the USS Maine.
In support of Cuban Independence and to avenge the loss of the USS Maine.