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because people are stupied and dont know what they are talking about

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Q: Why did the pairs mob storm the Bastille?
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The leader of the angry mob of the Bastille?

Monsieur Camille Desmoulins.

What did the mob do once it captured the Bastille?

Once the mob captured Bastille, the bridges were finally lowered on de Launay's command. He and his soldiers were captured by the crowds and dragged through the filthy streets of Paris.

How did the Storming of the Bastille end?

It was finally surrendered to the mob which then killed many of the guards.

What date did the people of Paris storm the Bastille?

July 14, 1797.

What countries celebrate Bastille?

Other countries don't celebrate this very festive, the French celebrate their national day called Bastille Day. Bastille was actually a castle which a mob attacked in 1789, there were only half a dozen prisoners.

Why would the storming of the Bastille be important?

The French peasants were able to get weapons and became an army, not just a mob.

Why did the mobs storm the Bastille?

because people are stupied and dont know what they are talking about

What does de le Bastille mean in English?

"de la Bastille" means "of the Bastille" in English. Bastille was the name of a fortress in eastern Paris (located on what is nowadays Bastille square) which was famous for being a royal prison at the beginning of the French revolution. La prise de la Bastille (the storming of the fortress by a Parisian mob on July 14, 1789) marks the beginning of the historical period of the French revolution.

What are the release dates for Mob Wives - 2011 Desert Storm 3-10?

Mob Wives - 2011 Desert Storm 3-10 was released on: USA: March 2013

What did the people of Paris storm after King Louis XVI sent troops to the city?

The Bastille.

What happend on July 14?

1789 - French Revolution: citizens of Paris storm the Bastille.

What is defarge's role in attack?

Madame Defarge & her husband led the mob in the storming of the Bastille, proving that she is determined & emotionally strong.