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Q: Why did un begin?
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Strong words that begin un?

Unauthorized, undependable and unequaled are strong words. They begin with UN.

Words that begin with -un?

Unreliable, uninvited, unscared, unsure, unhappy, unsafe, untan

What 16-letter word begins with un?

Unconstitutional, uncharacteristic, unapologetically, underutilization and unsatisfactorily are 16 letter words. They begin with the prefix UN.

What are some French words that begin with the letter U?


How do you spell bigin?

The verb is spelled begin (to start). The slang term for a large item is spelled big 'un (big one).

What are some grocery items that begin with the letter U?

un-cooked bread

What song does julio iglesias sing in the tv series benidorm series 3 episode 3?

por un poco de tu amor featured on begin begin album

How can we file a complaint in the UN?

You, as an individual, cannot. The UN is composed of member NATIONS whose national governments appoint representatives to that body. You need to begin any process by contacting the elected representatives of your government.

Does the opposite of 'confidence' begin with an 'un' or an 'in'?

The opposite of 'confidence' is 'diffidence'. The opposite of the word begins with 'di'.

What is the root word of unnecessary?

The prefix is the bit added to the front of a legitimate word, in this case "necessary", changing its meaning. In this case the prefix is "un-"

Does a singular noun begin with a h or a vowel in french?

There is no connection between the first letter of a word and its singular or plural, for example : - un hôtel (singular) / des hôtels (plural) - un oiseau (singular) / des oiseaux (plural)

What French animal names begin with the letter H?

(un) mouton - sheep (des) chevaux - Horse (un) cochon - pig (un) chat - cat (une) vache - cow (un) chien - Dog (un) lapin - Rabbit (un) poisson - Fish (des) oiseaux - Bird (un) Souris - Mouse