It looks flat because of the viewers position. The curvature is too gently sloping to be seen close to the surface. However, the Earth's curvature can be seen from Mount Everest because its so high up.
okkkay this is a little strange.....?? the world is not flat
I really dont know because if you were on a mountain then you can really get the truth
Christopher Columbus found out that world was round.The person who asked this question found out that world was flat.
Sailors along time ago thought that the earth was flat because in their day a world being round wouldn't make sense, because they didn't know bout gravity. Their reasons were that if a world was round everything would fall off and the water wouldn't be able to stay were it was because there was nothing to hold it down. It was also very logical because when you look at the ground its flat. We now know about gravity and this answers why the world doesnt fall off into space. We have also seen the world from space and have physical proof it is round, but back then all they had as proof was that the ground is flat on your feet and that being round didnt make sense. I hope this answers your question, ali
no the world has always been round. but it was believed that the earth was flat because pioneers never traveled far enough to know then some one was smart enough to realize the earth was round.
Yes they believed this because when you look at the Fields they look flat not like they dip as if the world was round hope this helps
If all that you have to go on is what you see for yourself, from ground level, then the world does look flat.
okkkay this is a little strange.....?? the world is not flat
a flat looks like this b
Thomas Friedman wrote The World Is Flat.
Flat World Knowledge was created in 2007.
The World Is Flat was created on 2005-04-05.
I really dont know because if you were on a mountain then you can really get the truth
What impact will a flat world have on your standard of living
The ISBN of The World Is Flat is 0-374-29288-4.
Eratosthenes proved the world is flat theory wrong
flat world is what the dumb people use to think a long time ago