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World War I was also called 'The Great War'. It was given that name because it involved all of the world's great powers or most influential and important countries.

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Q: Why was it called World War 1 if not all countries were involved?
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Why was the war called a 'world' war?

Because most of the major countries of the world were involved in the fighting.

Why was the war called the world war?

because many countries and continents were involved in the conflict.

Did the same countries get involved in World War 1 and World War 2?


What countries were involved in the World War I?

The Allies and the Entente.

When was the World War 1 a global conflict?

World War I was a genuinely global war. It involved countries that were not even indirectly involved in the drama regarding the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Since many alliances had been made, countries all over the world were obligated to declare war on one another.

Which two countries was involved in World War 2?

There were not only two countries.

What did many people call World War 2?

World War 1 was first called the Great War, because it involved a huge amount of countries and was supposed to end all wars. It was called WWI when WWII started. It is called WWII and WWI because it involved almost all of the world.

What soldiers were fighting in World War 1 other than british soldiers?

French Belgian Italian German States: Prussia, Wurtenberg, Saxon, Bavaria Austria-Hungary Portugal Poland Greece Bulgaria Albania & Bosnia-Herzogovinia Rumania Russia Turkey Commonwealths of UK: Australia Canada United States (after 1917) ww1 was called a world war because most of the countries around the world got involved in it. ww1 was called a world war because most of the countries around the world got involved in it. ww1 was called a world war because most of the countries around the world got involved in it.

What countries were were involved in world war 2?

Switzerland, Turkey, Portugal, Sweden, and Spain were neutral countries in World War 2.

What two Asian countries became part of World War 2?

Most Asian countries were involved in World War 2

What continents are the countries involved located on world war 2?

North America and Europe, Australia also Asia, that is why it was called a "World War". There was also some fighting in Africa.

How may countries were involved in world war 1?