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in roman times, febuary was the month for executions and everyone disliked the month as it was considered 'dirty'. the emperor of rome then took two days off this month and put them in august, his birthday month.

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15y ago

The Name February was Derived in Sout America where they had a special ruler anme Fubrus

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February was named after one of the sons of the gods which had twelve for each month the months had children which are the days

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10y ago

February is called a leap year as it sometimes has 29 days instead of 28. A leap year occurs once every 4 years. The next leap year will be in 2016.

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Why did black history month started?

We celebrate black history month because we are celebrating all of the great things black men and woman have done. Many years ago, black people were overlooked. They were not in History books when they did great things that white people did. It was truly unfair so Carter G. Woodson decided to make Black History Month a thing so that they could have equil rights. Carter G. Woodson changed Black History just like many others such as Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and many other great black human beings. Black History Month had given Black People the chance to finally be noticed and not overlooked. In the UK they celebrate Black History Month in October but in America they celebrate Black History Month in February. In October or February, people normally protest to stop racism once and for all. Black History Month wouldn't be the same if people didn't believe in them. We should always respect others, we should not care about looks but instead we should care about their personalities. George Floyd also made a big change in Black History when a shopkeeper said he payed 'fake money' but it was real money, George Floyd was just black and was treated wrong. Then an officer came and put his knee on his neck for no reason at all! If it was a white person on the other hand, they would of never gotten put down to the floor and had someone put their knee on their neck! This just shows how unfair people can be! This happened on May 25th. We must keep George Floyd and many others in our hearts and be greatful for all the amazing things that they have done for us. Rest In Peace George Floyd, Martin Luthor King Jr., Muhammad Ali and many many other great black people who changed History forever.

What are the places named by the Spaniards?

what are the places named by the spaniards

What is the Fourdrinier named for?

It is named after Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier

Why is there black history month but not white history month?

There is not specifically a white history month. However, there are months such as Irish-American Heritage Month (March), Polish American History Month (October), and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May). There are many groups out there rallying to get their history month to be more recognized. If you would like a certain history month to be made less obscure then do your research and see what you can do to help out your group.

What is Saturday named after?

It was named after a roman god named "The SATYR" A goat-legged half-man with horns and pointed ears.

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What month is named after mars?

The month named after Mars is March. It is the third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

What is February named after?

The month of February was named after the festival of purification called februa in ancient Rome.

Who named the month February?

Anders Lee

What language does February come from?

Latin. History: The month of February came from the Roman month Februarius ("of Februa,"). It was named for the Februa/Februatio festival, which occurred on the 13th to 15th days of this Roman month. A later Roman god Februus personified both the month and also purification, and is named for them. Thus, the month is named for the festival and not for the god.

How many people are named February?

It is uncommon for people to be named February. The name is mostly associated with the month of February, rather than used as a personal name.

How was the month of October named?

October was named for the Latin root "octo" because it was the eighth month in the old Roman calendar. The naming of the month took place before the months of January and February were added to the calendar.

Who was October named after?

October was named after the Latin word "octo," meaning "eight," as it was originally the eighth month in the Roman calendar before January and February were added.

What month is February in?

February is a month, so it is in February.

How do you spell February?

The month name is spelled February, with two R's.

What translated literally is the ninth month?

November is literally the Ninth Month, and was named so before January and February were added to the calendar in 153 BC.

What is the derivation of February?

The Ancient Roman lunar calendar had a month called Februarius, named for the purification festival called Februa which was held on the 15th day of that month.

What Roman god represents February?

It was a month of festivals of purification, named after the old Latin/Etruscan god Februus.