A dilemma is when you are stuck for choice on two or more items or problem with human beings and personal pieces of information.
If you mean dilemma as in 'a problem with no acceptable solutions' then yes, you are spelling it correctly.
Dilemma means a difficult choice. That's all it means.
to be bothered to decide between two things or people . we were on the horns of a dilemma to move to the new house or not?!!
A dilemma is a choice between two equally bad alternatives. A moral dilemma occurs when an action can be seen as right from one standpoint but at the same time wrong from another.
You mean "dilemma" not "trilema"? The Delema is that he is not real.
In Tamil, the word for "dilemma" is தீமை (thīmai) or கடந்து விடப்படுவதால் செயல்பட முடியாது (kaṭantu viṭappaṭuvatāl ceyalpaṭamūṭiātu).
Dilemma is a noun.
The original dilemma opposed to the modern dilemma is the controversey of freedom vs. order whereas the modern dilemma is freedom vs. equality
An alliterative sentence for dilemma is "Danny dared Don to draw a dramatic dilemma."
The duration of The Dilemma is 1.97 hours.