diffussion is an uptaking of substances bycells through their cell membranes
Contractive vacuole by diffussion
They collide with one another and tend to spread out randomly.
diffussion of responsibility
Yes, simple diffusion/passive diffusion is the movement of a particle from an area of high concentration to one of lower concentration.
Amoebas do not have specialized excretory organs. They eliminate waste mainly through diffusion across their cell membrane.
diffussion of oxyzen means dissociation curve .oxyzen diffussion depends on concentration of corbon dioxide concentration and bmr .if corbon dioxide concentration is increased the diffussion is also increased. if bmr is also high the diffussion of oxyzen in blood is also increase
facilitated diffusionfiltration
Non-examples of diffusion include: the movement of water through a sieve as it is strained, the transport of sugar through a water filter, the spread of information through a radio broadcast.
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