

Who is swiftpaw?

Updated: 3/22/2024
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14y ago

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Swiftpaw died in A Dangerous Path. He and Brightheart were angry at Bluestar for not making them warriors yet, even though she was crazy, so they tried to prove themselves to ThunderClan. There was a pack of dogs invading the territory, so Swiftpaw and Brightheart went to run the pack out. However, Brightheart lost an eye and gained the name Lostface, while Swiftpaw died. Brightheart got her actual warrior name back, though.

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15y ago
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4mo ago

Swiftpaw is a character from the "Warriors" book series by Erin Hunter. He is a young apprentice of ThunderClan who is known for his speed and agility. Swiftpaw's bravery and determination are showcased throughout the series.

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14y ago

Swiftpaw was a black and white tom who's mentor was Longtail, Tigerstars follower. hes mother was Goldenflower, his father was unknown, and his half brother and sister were Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw. Because Bluestar wouldn't let any apprentice become a warrior except for Cloudtail he went off to find out what was happening to the prey. He died in a battle against a pack of dogs. For more information about Swiftpaws death, read Warriors: Secrets of the Clans, Brightheart speaks.

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12y ago

i know that swiftpaw's father is pacthpelt and his mother is willowpelt graystripe is also willowpelts son but he has a different father so swiftpaw is graystripe's half brother.

^ Actually, that's not completely true. While the above is what the family trees say, Swiftpaw's mother is actually Goldenflower. His father is never mentioned in the series.

As for who his father MIGHT be - considering the toms that were around Goldenflower's age, it was likely Patchpelt who fathered Swiftpaw, right before retiring to the elders' den. It is also a distinct possibility that Swiftpaw's father was actually an unnamed Clan member. The allegiances, especially those early in the series, do not usually list every cat in the Clan; since Swiftpaw's father was not an important character, he could very well have gone unlisted.

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14y ago

Swiftpaw's mentor was Longtail.

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Georgia Pendleton

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1y ago

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15y ago

a pack of dogs. :( Poor Swiftpaw.

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12y ago

He has none

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If Swiftpaw was still alive would he and Brightheart be mates?

Before Cloudtail,Brightheart was always with Swiftpaw,so they could be mates.On youtube I watched a video and from that I thing Brighthear loves Swiftpaw and Swiftpaw loves him. Go to youtube and type , I Promise We will be Warriors Soon [Swift/Bright] P.S Its the one by DuckFeatherz

Who is Swiftpaw's mother?

Goldenflower. He is the half-brother to Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt. Goldenflower had a unknown tom as her mate and gave birth to Swiftpaw. Then, Goldenflower had another mate, Tigerstar. She gave birth to Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt. Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, and Swiftpaw shared same mother, but had different fathers.

How does swiftpaw die?

Swiftpaw died attacking the pack of dogs when he and Brightpaw snuck out of the camp on the night of Cloudtail's vigil. They were angry that only Cloudtail, their former den mate, had been made a warrior. They wanted to prove themselves to the Clan, so they stole out to the Snakerocks to investigate the dog pack that had been giving ThunderClan trouble. Unfortunately, the two apprentices were attacked; Swiftpaw died, while Brightpaw was horribly scarred.

What book does Swiftpaw die in in the warriors book series?

He Dies In The 5th Book To A Pack of Dogs bluestar wont make him and brightpaw warriors so they go and try to lead the dogs away but swiftpaw got killed[he gave firestar a life at the begining of book 6]and brightpaw lost an eye!... Another person,Swiftbreeze, speaks: Swiftpaw died in the 5th book when Bluestar made Cloudtail a warrior and didnt allow anyother apprentices to become warriors yet.So Swiftpaw was tired of waiting and decied he wanted to do something to impress Bluesstar to be made a warrior. Swiftpaw took Brightpaw to fight the dog,but when they saw a dog,there was about 5 more.Swiftpaw was fighting like all of Lionclan to protect Brightpaw but in the end he died and Brightpaw was left with only one eye when the dog bit her head.(sudders) Poor Swiftpaw died but Brightpaw/heart was alive but she wished she had died fighting with Swiftpaw Also see on youtube:I'll Promise We'll BE Warriors Soon[Swift/Bright] made by DuckFeatherz

Who was Swiftpaw's dad in warriors?

This information is unknown, but his mother was goldenflower I am another user: It is unknown but seeing swiftpaw was black and white. Goldenflower was pale ginger it might have been: Darkstripe- sleek black and grey tabby tom. Longtail- Pale tabby tom with dark black stripes. Seeing they have similar pelt colors.

How did Swiftpaw get killed?

He was killed while sacrificing himself to save Brighheart from a pack of dogs near Sunningrocks in Omen of The Stars.

Who was at Firestar's nine life ceremony?

Lionheart, Redtail, Silverstream, Runningwind, Brindleface, Swiftpaw, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, Bluestar.

What would Swiftpaw's warrior name be if he hadn't died?

Swiftpaw's warrior name would likely have been Swiftbreeze, Swiftstrike, or Swiftfoot.

How many kits did goldenflower have?

Swiftpaw (killed by dogs), Brambleclaw/star, and Tawnypelt (joined ShadowClan). It's suggested that Goldenflower had one more kit other than Swiftpaw in Into the Wild, but it's unknown what happened to him/her.

Why didn't Bluestar punish Swiftpaw for telling other ShadowClan apprentices that ThunderClan is sheltering Brokentail?

Because they would have found out sooner or later.

Is Swiftpaw Brightheart's brother?

No, Swiftpaw is not Brightheart's brother. They are from the same Clan, ThunderClan, but they are not related. Brightheart is the daughter of Frostfur and Swiftpaw is the son of Goldenflower.

How does Brightheart die?

She was attacked by the pack of dogs along with Swiftpaw, who was killed. They went after the pack because Bluestar had not given them their rightfully earned warrior names due to the fact Tigerclaw was a traitor. Bluestar thought everyone in her clan was a traitor because of tigerstar and so swiftpaw and brightpaw went after the dogs and brightpaw was able to climb a tree(i think,i can't remember) but swiftpaw was dragged out of the tree he was trying to climb to get away from the huge dogs so he died.