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No, you are legally an adult and can live where you want.

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Q: Are you a runaway in Alabama at 18?
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What can the police do to a person who takes in an 18 year old runaway in the state of Alabama?

At 18 years old, the person is considered an adult and then not a runaway.

Where to go if you runaway in Alabama?

boys or girlsclub, or call runaway hotline they can help you.

What is the law relating to a 17-year-old who runs away in Alabama?

If you are a minor (under 18) you are a runaway and the police will return you home.

If you turn 18 years old as a runaway in Georgia and you are forced to return to your parents in Alabama are you a minor again?

Once you are 18 years old, you are considered an adult. You will not revert to a minor in status.

Can your mom turn you in as a runaway even if you are 18?

If the laws of your state declare that you are an adult at the age of 18, you are not a runaway at age 18.

Can you be held criminally responsible for not reporting your 18 year old a runaway?

He is not a runaway at 18, he is legally an adult.

When was Runaway Jones created?

Runaway Jones was created on 2009-08-18.

Do the police drop the charges of a runaway at 18?

Being a runaway is a "status offense," one that is in place because the offender is under the age of self-governance. On turning 18, the runaway would no longer be a runaway, and could not be arrested for such.

What can be done if your 18 and you move out without permission in Alabama?

In Alabama, the legal age of majority is 19. If you move out without permission at 18, your parents could potentially report you as a runaway. It's best to have a conversation with your parents about your plans and ensure you have a solid plan in place for your living arrangements and support.

What age is considered a runaway in Mississippi?

Anyone under the age of 18 is a runaway. They are a minor and not an adult.

Can you runaway at seventeen and not be filed as a runaway?

yes you can be because you are not 18 and 17 is still consider as a minor

Can you runaway from your mother to your grandparents?

when you're 18