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Well it depends, but there is a much more detailed explanation about the procedure below under related links, so i would check that out.

== == == == It depends where you are located - however, make sure it is the option you want - you may want it now but think about later in life as you get older and have a mate that want children you may have wished you hadn't of had it.

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16y ago
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16y ago

I'm pretty sure in the U.S. you can get a vasectomy at 18. This is the legal age when you have the right to make this choice. Doctors will likely harass you about being too young to make the decision. Ideally doctors would want to give vasectomies to men who are married with 2-3 children. This way they feel there is no loss. The whole childfree thing is still looked down on. Just show up WELL educated about what's going to happen, and make it clear you plan to go for your follow up exams (to check that you're shooting blanks). You need to be very confident and appear so about this. They'll likely send you home with information while making your appointment for a later date. This deters people who aren't 100% sure. But if you show up, they'll see you're serious!

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14y ago

You have to be at least 18 years old. However, keep in mind that some doctors will try to talk you out of it during the consultation if you are young and/or don't have children. And since it's an optional surgery that can refuse to do it.

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15y ago

From what I can tell, there are no Federal, State, or American Medical Association (AMA) statutes, laws, or bylaws addressing any restrictions on the performance of the procedure.

Most doctors, as a matter of conscience, have their own set of guidelines which they choose to follow in making a decision regarding performing a vasectomy. By their own choice, they require a man to have two to three children, because of the possibility them coming back to him later requesting a reversal in the procedure. Though the science and technology of microsurgery is advancing, reversals were always successful. The male desiring the procedure may have to shop around to find a doctor willing to perform it. Check with Planned Parenthood.

If you do this, keep in mind that you will not be sterile when you leave the doctors office; it takes some period of time before it is fully effective. And in SOME cases, the procedure reverses itself. The human body does attempt the repair injuries, even those meant to be. The same happens in rare cases involving Ttubal Ligations in women.

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14y ago

If there are medical reasons for it I guess so, but I can't think of one. Considering he would be in puberty they wouldn't do it and it's also immoral. He have to make that decision himself as an adult.

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13y ago

A vasectomy is considered a permanent procedure so they want you to be at least 18 but preferably older then that since not many 18yo wants to be parents but changes their minds when they get older.

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11y ago

Of course, you just have to find a urologist willing to do so. I called up my local urologist, made an appointment two weeks later for consultation, and had it done 3 days afterwards; all at 22.

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14y ago

You have to be of legal age and up there isn't really a limit but if you are too old to be fertile there's no point.

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