If you have a bank account and are trying to deposit a check, you will have to sign the back of that check. If the back is not signed, it cannot be deposited or cashed.
It's a joint account. "Not knowing" is about the worst defense in the world for anything.
A bounced check. Probably a check that you deposited into your account was no good so the bank returned it and deducted the money from your account.
It can be deposited anywhere.
No, you cannot deposit a business check into a personal checking account. You can only deposit a check into an account that shares the same name, i.e. A check is made out to ABC company--it can only be deposited into an account that is titled ABC company. It cannot be deposited into a personal account--even if that is the personal account of the owner.
A check stamp is used for endorsing checks. They are usually for businesses and will have the information of the account it will be deposited into, such as account number and name or business on the account.
It Depends:Yes you can - If you are a joint holder of your dads accountNo you cannot - If your dad is the only holder of his accountThis is because, a check can be deposited only into the account that is fully or jointly held by the person to whom the check is issued.
Nope, has to be deposited to an estate account. You can then go ahead and write a check to yourself from the estate account.... assuming you are the executor and have the authority to do so. Nope, has to be deposited to an estate account. You can then go ahead and write a check to yourself from the estate account.... assuming you are the executor and have the authority to do so.