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If they are a qualifying child or relative yes. NJ State tax follows Federal law generally and of course the Federal law there is the same as everywhere.

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Q: Can you claim an 18 year old child from your income taxes in New Jersey?
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If your child is 18 can you claim them on your taxes?

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Which parent gets to claim the child on income taxes?


Do you claim your child's SSA-1099 on your income tax?

Yes you include all your kids in your taxes.

Child is with you for more than half the calendar year so can you claim her for taxes in New Jersey?


How long can non-custodial father claim child on taxes?

If he has no taxable expenses in the child then he cant claim on tax.

If your 14 year old works and the parent is on disability does it affect the parents disability if they have to claim the child's taxes?

The income that the 14 year child earns is the child's income and would not be reported as income on the parents income tax return.

Claim my child's school lunch on my taxes?

My child has to pay for lunch can I claim that on my taxes?

Do you have to claim short-term disability check if taxes weren't taken out?

This is not declared income and you will not have to pay income taxes on it. Same thing for child support. However, Alimony payments have to be delclared and will be taxed.

Can I claim taxes if I only made 1500 and have a child?

Taxes are supposed to be something you pay but in your case the answer is yes. If you have a child that is yours you can receive Earned Income Credit as long as no one has claimed you or your child on their return and if you meet the requirements.

Can child care paid through child support be claimed on taxes?

Yes, if you paid for child care, regardless of where the income comes from, you can claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit.

If you receive child support do you have to claim it on your income taxes?

Almost certainly. You have to read all the small print telling you how to enter information.

If you claim as a dependent, you will pay _______ income taxes?
