It depends on the how the support was laid out legally. You should check your local laws because it also depends where you are located and the age of majority there - support usually stops when the child has reached age of majority unless otherwise stated by both parties. Now, again checking your local laws, if the child is no longer residing with the person that is receiving the support payments the support payments should no longer have to be made. Child support payments are paid to support a child.
Generally, child support is only ordered until the child 18 years of age. However, you need to check your own child support order and any separation agreement associated with your divorce.
Yes, you are the parent and they are a minor until they reach 18 years old. You are still responsible for them.
Child support must be paid until the child reaches 18 years of age in Maryland. If the child has not graduated high school and over the age of 18, child support must continue.
Ohio Law requires that Child Support continues until your child is both 18 years of age and finishes high school. If your child is over 18 years of age, the child support will continue if your child is enrolled on a full-time basis in an accredited high school; however, when your child turns 19 years of age, the child support will end. It is your obligation to inform CSEA of the emancipation.
The only depends on specific state laws or original child support order. see link
Only with a modified order. Texas law does not provide for it. See link.
In the state of Georgia court ordered child support continues until the child turns 18 years old. There is the exception if the child is still in high school than the order will continue until they finish high school or turn 20 years old.
My wife and myself are separated and have been for15 years, we have 2 children over the age of 30. I am currently on disability and have been for 10 years. I have been paying back shild support since 1988. My current back child support is 17,000. Legally should I have to pay back child support when my kids are over the age of 21?
Yes of course! your a child in laws eyes until your 18 years old
My son is in his fifth year at college. He is 23 years old. When can i apply with the courts to have him emanciapted?
Seek legal advice without delay.
Depends on what the child support agreement says and the laws in your jurisdiction. Most jurisdictions require the support continue until the child graduates from high school. You need to check your particular state. You can inquire at the court that issued the order.