girl going into the bathroom and they go to the back and they pick a stall go in it then lock it there is a toilet in front of you then back up to the toilet they unbutton your pants ,then unzip your pants , pull your pants down pull your panties down they sit on the toilet to pee
their underwear
Doctors look down boys pants so they know whats going on with there body.
The point of a 'fly' on pants is so that boys and men can urinate without pulling their pants down.
by sliding it down
They are usually masturbating (or keeping their hands warm.)
First they don't always look. Second if they are looking they are probally checking the boy out.
she gave birth to a lesbian and when she was 2 she put her hands down a little girls pants then her mother figured out that she would be lesbian so the ate her.
Boys like girls to be aggressive. Boys like to be teased about their hair or weight or skin condition. Boys like girls to pull their pants down and expose their boxers. Boys like it when girls call them by affectionate names like "honeybuns". Boys like it when girls flirt with a bunch of different guys
On the video AFV Part 209 on YouTube, there is not a part where a boy's pants fall down.
Take your hands and place them on his and guide his hands inside your pants.