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Yes, normal growth of the penis after hypospadius repair, is to be expected, both flacid and erect. If properly repaired, the penis will be straight but sometimes bent down.

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Q: In boys will it grow normally after hypospadius repair?
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yes but first you must puncture it with a pin of toothpick then it will be fine you normally grow a few inches too

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== ==

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protain makes you grow and body repair and its very good for you

The three times when you grow?

Growth spurt 1: Girls (age 8-9), Boys (age 9-10). In 2 years you grow 4 or 5 inches. Then for a couple of years you go back to growing normally (1.5 inches a year) Growth spurt 2: Girls (age 11-12), Boys (age 12-13). In 2-3 years you grow 4 or 5 inches. Then you go straight into the third, massive growth spurt Growth spurt 3: Girls (age 14-17), Boys (age 15-21). In that time you grow at a rate of between 2.5 and 4.5 inches a year. That's how 5ft tall boys grow to be 6ft5