{| |- | Emancipation is available in about half the states of the US. The statutes vary between the states that allow it. Parental consent is usually not a requirement, but they must be fully notified. They must show that they can take care of themselve financially and not be a burden on the state. Not having a job or money will make this very difficult. The minor must also show that they are responsible and can take care of themselves in any situation. |}
A minor must either have parental consent, or be emancipated, or have a court order allowing them to marry.
Not unless you have been legally emancipated by the court.
No, not unless you've been emancipated in some manner such as marriage (which requires parental consent) or court decree (which is RARELY granted).
No, a 15 year old can not move out without parental consent in Massachusetts. A minor can only move out if they are legally emancipated.
Yes, in most cases you need parental consent to be emancipated. Emancipation is a legal process where a minor is granted the rights and responsibilities of an adult, and parental consent is typically required to ensure that the minor is capable of handling those responsibilities on their own.
New Jersey does not have established laws nor procedures for the petitioning of emancipation of a minor.
No, in Virginia, a minor cannot get emancipated without parental consent. Emancipation requires parental consent or approval from a court after a formal petition is filed and reviewed.
If the minor is in public they are fair game.
Yes, in Missouri, a minor who is 16 or 17 years old can petition for emancipation with parental consent. However, a minor who is 15 years old cannot get emancipated in Missouri with parental consent.
No. Tennessee does not have waiver rights allowing a pregnant minor or one who has a child to be married without the consent of parents or a legal guardian. Find out what the legal age of consent is in TN and you will have your answer. * The AOC only pertains to when a minor can legally engage in consensual sex. It has no bearing on the marriage laws. A minor who does not live in a state that has laws allowing a pregnant minor to marry without parental consent (Tennessee is one of those states) must have parental or legal guardian consent to marry or must be emancipated by the court.
If you mean without parental consent... No, not unless the minor has been legally emancipated in some manner, such as marriage (requires parental consent), court order (which is rarelygranted), etc.
As far as I'm aware, in every state if you legally marry, then you are automatically considered to be an emancipated minor and therefore you can move out without parental consent.