--noun1. an awkward, stupid person; clumsy, ill-mannered boor; oaf.--verb (used with object)2. to flout; treat with contempt; scorn.
Tagalog word of clumsy: pabaya
"Lummox" is not considered a bad word; it is more of a whimsical or old-fashioned term used to describe a clumsy or awkward person. It is not typically used with malicious intent.
Clumsy is an adjective.
Clumsy is an adjective.
"Clumsy" is an adjective. It is used to describe someone who lacks coordination or is awkward in movement or handling objects.
Clark Kent was a mild mannered reporter.
No, "clumsy" is an adjective used to describe a person who lacks coordination or is awkward in movements.
The abstract noun form of the adjective 'clumsy' is clumsiness (a word for a quality or characteristic).
The Tagalog word for clumsy is "magulo" or "mabukó".
What is a nine letter word to move in a clumsy manner? A word, which starts with the letter "L".
What is another word for clumsy, graceless, bungling